by | Jan 14, 2015 | Blog

It’s officially 2015 and what a strange winter we’re having so far! For a Maine winter we’ve had very little accumulation but the storms we have experienced have been slushy, slippery and down right dangerous. Slick roads can make for a scary commute and let’s face it, in Maine, it’s a rare occurrence when we shut down our work places and businesses for weather. Mainah’s know how to drive in the snow!


While we all joke about how the rest of the country is crippled by a dusting and our great state can trudge through two feet of the white powder with ease, we have to remember how we get all this stuff out of the way and keep things moving here in the North. PLOWING, SANDING AND SALT!

At Dearborn Brothers Construction we do a lot of commercial plowing and snow removal for local businesses to keep everyone busy during months when typical construction projects aren’t plentiful. That means a lot of odd hours, long nights, and a lot of salt. Dearborn Brothers Construction has bulk salt available for contractors to purchase when they need it. Many landscapers and smaller businesses also make a living plowing and salting during the winter months, and for the past few years we’ve been providing salt by the cubic yard at our shop here in Buxton! It’s convenient for other contractors who don’t own large trucks and don’t need massive quantities for smaller areas and sidewalks, and we keep a steady supply for our own sites to be sure that safety is our first and foremost priority for customers and employees of area businesses who are depending on us to keep things running smoothly.

So if you’re looking for someone to clear a parking lot, haul snow away from a site, or you’re just looking for some salt for your own projects we like to think of ourselves as a one stop shopping experience for both other contractors and consumers alike. Commercial plowing, snow removal, salt, sand, we do it all, and we have years of experience and a fleet of well oiled machines to make sure you make it to your destination!