Another Winter Day in Maine!

by | Feb 5, 2014 | Blog

It’s early February and winter in Maine is in full swing. The groundhog recently predicted that we won’t be getting an early spring, and I think Mother Nature plans to prove him right. Another snow storm is upon us with predictions of 9 to 14 inches of snow here in Southern Maine. Our dedicated employees are out and about this morning clearing parking lots and roadways for a variety of commercial businesses and local towns.


In the winter when construction is typically at a stand still, we offer snow removal services to area businesses and local municipalities to keep our employees busy during the off season. These services include salting, sanding, plowing, shoveling, and snow removal. This often requires the use of several pieces of heavy equipment such as bobcats, loaders, and dump trucks. At Dearborn Brothers Construction we offer a full fleet of modern equipment to ensure that our clients get the most efficient service.